Monday 12 December 2011

D&AD Brief evaluation

This D&AD brief started out as a one day brief that we all had to do, and escalated into one of my more substantial main briefs. This was a brief involving event branding, I wanted to try and create something that focused on the information side of the event as well as making the participants feel special for going to the talk. I wanted this brief to connect with the audience on a more personable level. As I already had the foundations of the branding element for the brief I took these and developed them to create an umbrella brand that would go across the range of different deliverables that I produced. With some tweaking and pushing I created vector images that could be used on the variety of different media, from the tote bags to the posters. Throughout this module I have learnt a lot about branding, and this helped me push my skills in creating a cohesive image that could work around the event. I really wanted my brand to be about the experience and by creating a set of deliverables that the participant could interact with in a different way I think I have achieved this. The most challenging part of this brief was making quite decisions and running with them, by outlining a clear set of deliverables from the beginning it meant I had more time to focus on creating some ideas that would work with the deliverable concepts. This was a big learning curve for me with regards to time management, I had to really organize my time and structure it so that I could get the most out of the brief. I wanted to bring across processes I had used, or not yet used into this brief such as screen printing and using the vinyl cutter to draw. This brief gave me the opportunity to do this, but it meant I had to be efficient with the time I had.
Generally I am very happy with the brief that I have delivered I think that it delivers on the main aims I was setting out to achieve with this brief, and yet again it has given me more experience with working with branding. I benefitted from the efficiency of decision making and I defiantly plan on taking this on in my FMP, it’s just showed me how much I can produce in a couple of weeks.

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