Tuesday 13 December 2011


Final Evaluation
Robyn Russell

The main focus for my design practice throughout this module was to bring together; type, branding and print processes. I think by choosing briefs initially that had the potential to cover these areas I set myself up to accomplish this. Having said that, there have been changes throughout this module, that have helped me focus this even more. As I worked through the module, I began to realize that my passion really lay with processes, and finishing instead of focusing on design for screen. Initially I did set out with the hope to improve my web based skills, and although I have taken part in the web workshops I realized that I was more interested in printing and finishing work. Although this has happened in this module, I think I will need to defiantly do some screen based work within FMP because I do want to improve my skills there but it wasn’t the main focus of any briefs that I have done. One thing that  has really improved my knowledge in applying the processes and branding elements is the research that I have done, through going to talks (GBH), research for my dissertation and general research. This has helped influence my decisions in a lot of different ways because I felt I was coming from a more informed perspective. Generally my rational has not changed that dramatically, I have stuck to the key points that I set out to achieve, however the biggest change was dropping working with screen based design.

My briefs throughout this module have changed significantly, what I thought would be my main briefs (Hotel, Publication, ISTD) changed and two became secondary as well as one being completely scrapped (Publication), due to the fact that I felt there was more potential in the other briefs (Processing and D&AD). These were defiantly key decisions I made, the briefs that I expanded and worked on really helped improve my skills working with branding and pushing my design as far as I could, in what I deemed an appropriate way.
            As I set out originally to investigate processes, and hopefully transfer them across my briefs I feel I have achieved this. However, spending time on investigating, experimenting with processes defiantly created some issues, there were things I did that worked and others that didn’t at all. For example, the printing plate issue for my poster brief, this took a lot more time that I thought it would and had an impact on the brief as a whole because what I thought would be quite a quick brief ended up spreading across the whole module. What I also learnt with this module was a lot about stocks, and having no real knowledge in this before helped me gain a better understating of the appropriateness of colour, working with pantones etc. I have benefitted a lot from this because my designs are more informed and appropriate. There was another problem with this is as,  I couldn’t print on my chosen stocks as it was expensive to order in reels of the stock. However, I did managed to print samples and I could make a more informed decisions about the stocks I would print on. This is defiantly something I am going to focus on improving my knowledge in, its very important especially when my practice is partially about processes and finishing.

There is a lot a have learnt from each brief, and by outlining what I wanted to gain from them initially has really helped me keep focused what I wanted to get from them. Firstly, with the ‘Poster' Brief I used a variety of different processes, which then lead me on to using the same style of processes in my other briefs, this essentially created a foundation for me to refer back to when it came to designing my other briefs. Secondly, with regards to the Solicitor brief, I learn’t a lot from this brief; working with a live client (and getting paid), creating work with quite a corporate feel and trying to create something that would work in the real world. These are all considerations I hadn’t really had to consider before, this all influenced the designs I created and the deliverables I produced. Thirdly, with both the event promotion briefs I did (D&AD, PROCESSING), this was an area I hadn’t covered before, and although the general idea for them was the same I tried to create different deliverables that worked in different areas in order to cover as much of the areas of event promotion as possible. Another important brief was the design I created in the Hotel brief, although this was by far the most frustrating brief, I was all over the place with it throughout this module, I think the main issue was me thinking it was going to become of my substantial briefs, but as it became eclipsed by other briefs I realized I was left with no clear direction for this brief. Once I had eventually focused on delivering a set of brand guidelines, this helped me deliverer a clear set of outcomes. I think one of the other issues I had with this brief, due to time running out, I didn’t have any printed material for it and compared to my other briefs this was hard for me to accept. However, I am now happy with the proposal I have created, because this is something else I have never really done, and when I did my placement they put proposals together all the time and realizing this, I now have some experience in putting one together. Lastly, my ISTD brief was probably the most enjoyable brief I have done, again I was a bit sporadic when it came to working on this brief, doing little bits here and there, however I treated this brief as a playful brief and I feel I have delivered some strong visuals that I am happy with, and I have learnt more about layout and type with this brief than I did with any of the others, which was why I chose it in the first place.
            One thing I realized though-out all these briefs was the power of organization, I think throughout this module I have felt like an ‘organised chaos’. It was only towards the last four weeks that everything seemed to slip into place, or out of place as the case may have been. By setting myself clear deliverables and directions with the briefs helped my design practice an enormous amount. It helped a lot to have a clear direction so that I wasn’t wasting time going down the wrong avenues and I could focus my idea generation and designs for each brief.  Throughout this module I have tried to improve my skills in idea generation, I learnt how important tis was when I did my placement, and I have brought the knowledge I got from my placement such as creating mood-boards, sitting down with them and then drawing from there. This helped open up the potential of my briefs an immense amount and I will defiantly be using the style of working in the future because I have found it to be the one of the most important parts of my design practice. Throughout this module with each brief I have tried to experiment and mock up as much as possible, I have found that I need to see something before I can decided whether its working or not, so I have tried to do this as much as possible, where applicable. I have tried to make each decisions about my briefs as informed as possible, either using knowledge from other briefs I have been working on or researching and experimenting myself.

There are a lot of aspects of this module that I fully intend to take on through to my FMP. Such as my knowledge of processes, techniques that work (and that don’t) stocks, samples and ultimately organization of briefs and setting out a clear set of deliverable’s and direction for the briefs from the beginning. I really feel this module has set me up well for my FMP, and helped me as a designer on the whole. I feel more informed, more confident in myself and I think I can make appropriate decisions now.

Generally I am very happy with the work I have produced throughout this module, it has boosted my confidence working with a live client and having my work sold at the pop up shop. These little things keep me focused and make me want to improve and learn more as a designer. I feel I have produced work that I can now use in my portfolio and I am really starting to find the direction I want my work to go towards.

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