This poster i am focusing on the simplicity of type and the process and interaction with the poster. The main thing about this poster will be the layout and the appropriate format of the interaction. The idea being that you can 'pull away' the 'excess' text. There are a variety of ways that this can be done. I have chosen a simple and well defined type face because i want it to have high impact, and be legible from a distance. The narrow weight and the extended x-height means it will take up more space, but still be clear. There will be a lot of white space to play around with, adding to the visual impact of the poster. Simplicity is the key with this one.

The idea behind this poster is having the vinyl overlapping the
bottom part of the text, with a tab that you can pull away to reveal
the text behind it. I like this is but I'm not sure about having a huge bit of plastic
left dangling off the poster.
I have played with a variety of different layouts, as i said i want there to be quite a lot of white space, so spreading the type around the page will vary the impact of the white space.
By having the text directly in the middle, it has immediate impact and the
hierarchy on the page delivers the phrase in a informative way, and its clear and legible
to read.
I just altered the layout slightly and raised the text, this means being placed
along the top means that there is a huge gap at the bottom, delivering the eye
straight to the top. By doing this it means it has quite a commanding feel to it,
but I'm not sure that works. If it were an informative poster then it would, but thats
not the aim of the poster.
I have split the text across the whole page, using the whole A2 sheet, i think
this works quite well but I'm not sure impact wise it has as good as feel as things placed
in the middle. I think i would have to see it before i could use it.
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