Monday 28 November 2011


In order to incorporate the broadening element of the TYPE MUSEUM into my project, i wanted it (from the outset) to be subtle. This was a lot more about the posters and their processes opposed to the branding element itself. 

So, in order for this to work i have created the idea of using a bellyband that would be wrapped around the box in a commercial sense. I wanted it to be minimal because the posters are so different, and at the end of the day in a real world bellybands never last long. 

 From this, i have gone through the range of different fonts that i have tried, tested and some have worked some haven't. I tried out different layouts, because this is so large scale i wanted to use a slab serif font, purely because it would take up more space and could be represented more as an image than text. 

Once i settled on the most appropriate layout, using the font i wanted i have added the generic type museum logo, this needs to stay the same as it will be the main representative of the brand being used. 

There is one problem with this, printing it will be difficult as it's larger than the formats allowed downstairs, so I'm either going to leave it as a mock up, or just print one side. Im undecided yet. 

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