Tuesday 22 November 2011

Logo seal

I have done some development and mock up designs for the seal i want to create as past of the branding for the Solicitor brief. I think it will add an authenticity to the design work, and it will bring together the brand image in a traditional but modern looking way. the seal will be used on the envelopes, letterheads and complement slips, once the rest of the work is designed. 
Seeing as the seal is going to be no bigger than a 10 pence piece, it needs to be simple enough for there to be detail and it to pick out the appropriate shape i want. Taking this into consideration i have done some designs, that are all quite simple in nature but give off the brand image that i wanted to a chi eve.
Whilst doing this i have also seen a way to bring my brand together in a more coherent fashion. 
// This is the logo i have decided to use for my seal, its simple and entailed at the same time./ It has taken an element from the brand logo and brought it out on its own working as just an image. It'll still be recognisable. I think this will work stronger on its own. 

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